The u-blox LEA-M8T timing module is part of my my broadcast clock project. This is how I got it to work over i2c against ESP32 WROVER-E.
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Broadcast clock with ESP32 and NTP/GPS receiver
Ever since I laid eyes on a real broadcast clock, I knew I had to get one, with automatic time keeping over NTP or via satellites. That calls for another hairy ESP32 electronics project!
Continue reading Broadcast clock with ESP32 and NTP/GPS receiverInvitation card for geeks
As I get older, concerns revolve around how to maintain a self-proclaimed status as the unequivocal nerdiest geek in town. So, here’s my ESP32 based, ultimate invitation card…
Continue reading Invitation card for geeksDashcam upload to personal server
After purchasing a dashboard camera for my car, I started building a private server environment for dashcam upload and storing of video files.
Continue reading Dashcam upload to personal serverFixing content security Policy for WordPress
Getting WordPress to play along with HTTP Content Security Policy (CSP) can be challenging.
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Database research reports with SQL
How about a super-simple tool for making, pretty-printed PDF research reports from your usual mess of intricate SQL queries?
Sign a web page with PGP
If you want your audience to be absolutely certain that the web page you just served them has not been tampered with, read on. This method may be a good way to calm down even your most paranoid readers.
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SOSI shape-up
I have written an open-source program to convert Norwegian SOSI map data files into the more widely used Shapefile format.