How about a super-simple tool for making, pretty-printed PDF research reports from your usual mess of intricate SQL queries?
New GPG key
I have created a new encryption key, and will transition away from the old one. Inspired by Simon Josefsson at Yubico, I have created (that is, copied) his key transition statement. It can be found at The statement is signed by both my old and my new key.
Sign a web page with PGP
If you want your audience to be absolutely certain that the web page you just served them has not been tampered with, read on. This method may be a good way to calm down even your most paranoid readers.
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Watering pump controller
My friend Per Ervland nurtures his practical skills by crafting a solution to relieve him and his wife from the rather cumbersome task of keeping their container garden alive. I helped him with some of the inner workings.
SOSI shape-up
I have written an open-source program to convert Norwegian SOSI map data files into the more widely used Shapefile format.
Insect focusing
Get razor sharp macro shots with a system camera and a couple of gadgets. The tehcnique is called focus stacking.